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Guidance and Task Doc Task reports

Save and reuse field data used on the tractor

When working in the field, decisions are suddenly made differently. The field boundary that is always used cannot be used for the guidance system because, for example, the beet clamp is in the way or a flower strip was planted. It is possible that part of the field boundary was therefore changed and a new wayline created. This new field data is also needed for the subsequent field work and must therefore be shared with the entire fleet. No problem with FendtONE offboard:

  • The field boundary and wayline used are saved with the task report.
  • When the task report is transmitted to FendtONE offboard, the new field data is added to the field or optionally discarded.
  • The new field boundary and wayline can be reused for the next pass.
View of FendtONE for direct storage of data used in the field