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Guidance system and field data converter

Making field data available for the entire fleet

In mixed fleets, using the same field boundaries and waylines for guidance is a challenge. Tractor manufacturers of various brands and suppliers of retrofit solutions use different formats for field data to perform guidance. FendtONE offboard helps you to convert your field data:

  • Uploading field boundaries and waylines from various sources
  • Conversion to the desired target format
  • Download field boundaries and waylines converter

The field data converter in FendtONE offboard supports the following formats and field data:


  • AGCO: AGCO KML (PFTM)       
  • ISOXML: 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, 3.3, 4.2, 4.3     
  • TopCon: Autoguide 1000 & 3000, 3.19, 3.20   
  • Shapefile: SHP WGS84 (EPSG: 4326), Telepac  
  • Trimble: AgGps, AgData       


  • AGCO KML: Field boundaries, A-B lines and curves
  • ISOXML: Field boundaries, A-B lines and curves
  • Autoguide 1000: A-B lines Autoguide 3000: Field boundaries, A-B lines and curves TopCon 3.19 & 3.20: Field boundaries, A-B lines
  • Shapefile (WGS84): field boundaries, A-B lines and curves
  • AgGps: Field boundaries, A-B lines and curves

Other: GeoJson

Illustration of a digital view of the field data converter