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Fendt Variable Rate Control (VRC)

Maximise crop yields

Each run-out is inherently different, no field is uniform in itself. Different relief and soil types mean that the plants cannot be supplied evenly, which in turn leads to varying plant emergence within a single run-out. In order to maximise the yield per unit area, the measures must therefore be tailored to the individual soil conditions. Fendt Variable Rate Control is the perfect function for this, allowing you to work with section-specific control and maximise yields.
Variable rate control refers to the site-specific control of the application rate of inputs such as seeds, pesticides or fertilisers. To benefit from this intelligent solution, you need Fendt Guide, the basic agronomy package, Fendt Section Control and an activation for the ISOBUS standard TC-GEO.

Your benefits:

Increased efficiency: Maximisation of the yield per unit area while simultaneously saving on operating resources
Time saving: Use of the task report as a basis for documentation for legal requirements (e.g., fertiliser ordinance)
Flexibility: Support for ISO-XML and shape files