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Contour segments

Contour segments

The new wayline type “Contour Segments” minimises the complexity of the work and is a useful tool for overcoming several obstacles in practice. You know the situation; you create different waylines on the terminal. As you work the field, you always have to toggle between the different waylines on the terminal. This can be annoying when sowing crops, for example, where you start with the headland.

The Contour Assistant can be used to record these different waylines as contour segments, i.e., waylines of the same type are combined into one unit. On the field you are working, the tractor automatically detects the segment it is in, based on the direction of travel, angle, and distance, and indicates where all the other waylines are in the field. As you start moving, the wayline is automatically changed. You no longer have to toggle between segments in the terminal and you can fully concentrate on monitoring your equipment.

You can create a field boundary automatically from the contour segments. Conversely, the different contour segments can be calculated based on a field boundary. You also have the option of using existing waylines (e.g. from the previous year) and calculating the resulting contour segment from them.