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VarioGrip tyre pressure regulation system in combination with larger tyres

New tyre dimensions: Up to 2050 mm diameter at the rear and up to 1600 mm diameter at the front for maximum ground protection and tractive power.
Close-up of a tyre with VarioGrip tyre pressure regulation system.
Fully integrated VarioGrip tyre pressure control system with on-board valve and air control technology --> up to 8 % diesel savings and up to 10 % more tractive power in the field.
Close-up of the tyre pressure regulation system from Fendt
  • VarioGrip suitable for stub and flange axles
  • Pressure adjustment also possible with twin tyres
  • No risk of air lines being torn off thanks to built in protection
  • Simple operation via the terminal
Side close-up of the Fendt VarioGrip tyre pressure regulation system.