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FendtONE Platform (onboard + offboard)

Seamlessly connecting machine and office

With the first holistic operating approach FendtONE, your field and office work become one.

FendtONE onboard:
The FendtONE driver's workstation (onboard) makes work in the field even more effective: simple, customisable operation with central arrangement of all controls.

FendtONE offboard:
FendtONE offboard adds useful complementary functions to the existing applications on the tractor:

  • Agronomy: Plan activities in the field and receive comprehensive reports
  • Track guidance: manage field boundaries and way lines and keep them consistent across the fleet
  • Telemetry: monitor key machine data and live fleet positions in the field
Split image, on the left, a hand with a tablet and, on the right, the tractor terminal with FendtONE.